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TRICOR Systems Inc Announces Exclusive U.S.A. Distribution Agreement with SteriView Techonologies, Inc

Published on June 18th, 2020 by Maria Farfan

TRICOR Systems Inc. Announces Exclusive U.S.A. Distribution Agreement with SteriView Technologies, Inc.
Launching the SteriView Instrument Inspection System

Elgin, IL –SGNA Standards of Infection Control in Reprocessing of Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes states: “Visual inspection is an essential step to make sure the endoscope is visibly clean (AAMI, 2015; Rutala et al., 2008). According to Peterson (2017), all endoscopes and reusable accessories should be visually inspected during all stages of handling and reprocessing – before, during, and after use, in addition to during and after cleaning and before HLD (High Level Disinfection). Visual inspection is not a guarantee that decontamination from manual cleaning is complete, but it can be considered a safety stop or “time out” to ensure the endoscope is visually clean before proceeding to the next step of HLD.”

The Dri-Scope Aid® family of products have been on the forefront of finding a solution for every facility to dry their scopes properly after high-level disinfection. “While discussing the importance of drying the internal channels with Infection Prevention personnel, we have seen how scopes have been perceived dry after AER reprocessing or vertical air drying in a cabinet. We then used a borescope to look at the internal channels and found that the scopes still had remaining moisture in them if an automated forced air system (e.g. Dri-Scope Aid®) had not been used. We were also able to observe other irregularities with the internal channels,” said George Cronin, National Sales Manager. “Multiple society and manufacturer recommendations have outlined the importance of visual inspection to identify damage and verify reprocessing efficacy. This sent us on a mission to find the premier inspection system on the market which had the best visualization, documentation, and ease of use for the customer. SteriView fits all those needs.”

TRICOR Systems Inc. is excited to announce the launch of the SteriView MIC (Modular Inspection Camera). TRICOR has been chosen as the exclusive United States distributor of the SteriView MIC. SteriView is the next generation of advanced small diameter, near field inspection scopes designed to provide ready access and imaging of the interior chambers, lumens, and working channels of surgical medical devices. The MIC’s removable insertion tube/camera can be High Level Disinfected, providing the Infection Prevention team the ability
to image the internal channels of a clean instrument.

For more information on The Dri-Scope Aid® Family of products, e-mail sales@driscope.com and visit www.driscope.com

TRICOR Systems is best known recently for their innovative Dri-Scope Aid® family of products. TRICOR is a small, progressive business actively involved for 40 years in the design, development, and contract manufacture of military, aerospace and medical electronic equipment, as well as various other products including software. TRICOR’s ability for a quick turn-around from product inception to delivery is what sets them apart from their competitors. TRICOR customers include many Fortune 500 companies within the aerospace, defense and medical industries.
TRICOR’s current quality registrations include: ISO13485:2016, ISO9001:2015, and AS9100D.

For more information on TRICOR Systems Inc. and its capabilities, visit www.tricor-systems.com SteriView Technologies, Inc. is a biotechnology company redefining intervention with next-generation access and imaging. The company has developed a new class of inspection scopes that offer cost-effective inspection of instruments, recording and documentation of inspection results to address the serious problem of preventable device-associated infections. The company, including its research and development is located in Petaluma, California.